We offer one-on-one academic support for your student in grades 6-12. This support is carefully considered and structured, designed to encourage students to develop strong, independent study habits.
When you request academic support from us, we collaborate with you and your child. We gather as much information as we can about the class, your student’s current grades, goals and expectations. We set realistic, short term goals and make honest recommendations. The first lesson will almost always allocate time for your student to explain the class to the tutor. Once the tutor is up to speed on the class’s expectations and your student’s struggles, the sky’s the limit in possibilities for how to structure future lessons. We provided recommendations. You consider our recommendations and determine what’s best for your student.
Online tutors don’t have to factor in transportation costs or time spent traveling to and from student homes, so sessions don’t have to be one or two hours. Does your student need somebody for 15 minutes before a test during lunch break while on campus? Is your student on a bus traveling to a game/play/field trip? We can work with them then, too. Our tutors are trained to effectively work with students even in the least ideal tutoring conditions with no camera access and tons of background noise.
Most other tutoring companies, even those that work with students online, hire tutors based upon proximity within a city. If you’re a Los Angeles-based tutoring company, your standards for hiring tutors who can cover a student in deep suburban Thousand Oaks are much lower than your standards for hiring a tutor in the beach city of Santa Monica, where there are more great tutors. Since we’re online only, we don’t care where tutors live in our hiring process. We only care about delivering the best tutoring possible to your student anywhere you are. Superstar tutors are no longer reserved for students in big cities.